From time to time the Joe Soto will post links to other resources – products, courses, books, services, gadgets, or other things. Some of those links may be affiliate links, and Primal Video may be compensated or receive free products, gadgets or other things.
It goes without saying, but we only ever recommend products and services we actually use ourselves or have reviewed/tested in-depth and believe in.
Don’t worry, if you do decide to make a purchase using these links, it won’t cost you any more than if you didn’t use the link and instead purchased the item directly from the same sites. Actually, in many cases, they may even save you money or give you additional bonuses we’ve negotiated!
Importantly, just because we think something is great, doesn’t mean it will be suitable for your specific circumstances. As always, you need to look after your own interests – make sure the product or service is suitable for your needs, undertake additional research if necessary and make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions that attach to the product or service before you commit to purchasing. We take no responsibility for any loss or damage you suffer based on any recommendation we make or any third party link provided by us.
Amazon Affiliate program: We’re big fans of Amazon, and several of our links to products/gear are to those products on Amazon. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.