Your ability to charge and earn higher fees, and charge what you’re worth, is directly tied to your ability come up with creative ideas for your clients. It’s the #1 skill most consultants, agency owners and entrepreneurs fail to develop. Think about it. When was the last time you studied or set out to learn […]
Transcription: Hey, Joe Soto here. I want to talk to you about how you can get the client to overcome their own objection. Now, I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out on this. When you can ask very purposeful, very thought out questions that make them answer their own objection or share with […]
To niche or not to niche is always the question. Niches come in all different sizes, shapes, and forms. Yes, really. Here’s what I mean. You can niche in: type of business, size of the business, category of business, you can just niche in the service that you provide or a combination of the above […]
How do I price my agency? What do I charge for my consulting services? How do I charge what I’m worth? How do I price my proposal so that the client wins and I profit? If you’ve ever struggled with pricing strategy, read on. I’m going to just walk through four high-level pricing, strategy rules. […]
If you’ve considered or dreamed of acquiring a business, the time is NOW! I know—it may seem counterintuitive, considering the current state we’re in. BUT do me a favor and keep reading… Due to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, great businesses all over the world are in danger of closing their doors…for […]
This is one of the few times we can actually say we are truly in uncharted waters. Unprecedented is the right word. It’s also a unique time to step up and be there for yourself, your family and your clients. Here are some ideas that might help you navigate more confidently when it’s most needed. […]
Video Transcription: I want to share my quick philosophy on why you should never email a proposal to a prospective client. There’s no doubt you’ve been in a situation where you got through with your initial sales meeting and the client says, “Just send me a proposal.” And maybe you’re trying to secure a client […]
Your true differentiation in the marketplace, up against other consultants and agencies, will always be you. What can separate you quickly from the competition is making the sales conversation all about them. Let me explain. The discovery process of asking questions and uncovering your client’s most pressing challenges quickly separates you from the pack. How? Because […]
While there are probably over 100 ways to add value to your prospects and clients, I’ve outlined 7 of my favorite. As you go through the list, choose the ways you think will create the most value for your prospective or existing clients. 1. Send business their way. Everyone is looking for new customers or […]
If you’re a digital marketing agency, a consultant or a coach, chances are you’re charging too little. If you’re charging anything less than $1500/mo to your clients, this will be an important read for you. Charging too little is not just hurting you, it’s hurting your clients. I witness it all the time. Especially when you’re […]