
Your ability to charge and earn higher fees, and charge what you’re worth, is directly tied to your ability come up with creative ideas for your clients.  It’s the #1 skill most consultants, agency owners and entrepreneurs fail to develop.  Think about it. When was the last time you studied or set out to learn […]


Chances are you’ve never heard of all (or at least most) of these resources that can help you in your business starting today. The best part? Most of them are completely free. The better part, all of them are simple to use and can be applied right away to an area of your business, no […]


If I were to count on one hand the business and marketing legends who have made the most impact on me, Dan Kennedy would be near the top of this list. Quite frankly, Dan Kennedy would be at the top of most lists of the top marketers that you know and follow. He is, in […]


If you’ve considered or dreamed of acquiring a business, the time is NOW! I know—it may seem counterintuitive, considering the current state we’re in. BUT do me a favor and keep reading… Due to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, great businesses all over the world are in danger of closing their doors…for […]
