The Five Best Copywriting Books Every Marketer Should Read

Written by on June 7, 2019

When I was 20 years old my Uncle Jerry told me that if I mastered selling and developed my sales skills I’d never have to worry about making money. I took that very seriously and from that day forward I became obsessed with studying sales and persuasion.

Copywriting is sales in the written word and it’s one skill set I encourage everyone to develop.

Learning how to write persuasive copy is one of the best skills you can develop as a digital agency owner or consultant as well.

I recorded a video on YouTube called, My 5 Recommended Advertising Books and I thought it would be helpful to also share my favorite copywriting books.

Here are what I consider to be the top 5 best copywriting books (and I’ve included a couple of bonus books that almost made the list too):

  1. How to Write Copy That Sells by Ray Edwards. This is my favorite book for beginners and it’s a book I buy everyone on my team to have on their desk for quick, easy reference. It’s short and packed full of quick, punchy copywriting how-to instruction in an easy-to-digest format.
  2. How to Write a Good Advertisement: A Short Course in Copywriting. Recommended to me by Dan Kennedy, a master copywriter as well, I decided to listen and buy the book. I’m glad I did. It’s a classic full of really straightforward instruction that still holds up today. “Considered a marketing master during his 44-year career, he was the copywriter who propelled Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People into a mega-seller”
  3. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America’s Top Copywriters. Skip college or courses on copywriting and get this instead. It covers it all and is a buffet of everything you need to learn about writing ads and marketing copy. It’s a big book and will walk you through the entire copywriting process.
  4. The Robert Collier Letter Book. Get the paperback book because you’ll be taking a lot of notes in this one. It will spur ideas and take your copywriting to a new level. Warning – it’s for the serious student who wants to learn how to write sales letters and is willing to spend the time analyzing, modeling and applying the knowledge accordingly.
  5. The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert. The description on Amazon says it all: “A series of letters by history’s greatest copywriter Gary C. Halbert, explaining insider tactics and sage wisdom to his youngest son Bond. Once only available as part of a paid monthly premium, The Boron Letters are unique in the marketing universe and now they are a bona fide cult classic among direct response marketers and copywriters around the world.”
Joe Soto YouTube Channel
Watch My Video On YouTube Recommending the Top 5 Copywriting Books

Ok…Here Are Two More of My Favorites That Will Help You Instantly Improve Your Copywriting

The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers. Boost Your Sales by Dan Kennedy. I’ve been learning from Dan Kennedy for over 20 years. He’s a marketing and copywriting genius and he simplifies the sales letter writing process in this book. I’ve referred to it about 100 times over the years, and I keep buying the updated editions. This one is the 4th.

Words that Sell: More than 6000 Entries to Help You Promote Your Products, Services, and Ideas. This book (along with the companions More Words that Sell and Phrases that sell) is always within arms reach of my desk when I’m writing. When you’re lost for the right word or trying to add more word creativity, this is the go-to resource book.

I’ve linked all the books above because I’ve read them, and I wholeheartedly can recommend them. I find myself re-reading many of these books each year to sharpen my skills.

What’s your favorite copywriting book? I’d love hear your comments.

Side Note: Yes, these are my Amazon affiliate links and yes I get paid a few pennies if you buy any of these books from my recommendation. I also know, that you know I’m sharing this with you to help you – not to make a few affiliate pennies from Amazon. 🙂 Go write and be profitable!

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  1. Fernando Gomez   On   June 8, 2019 at 7:12 pm

    “The Copywriter’s Handbook” by Bob Bly. The great David Ogilvy said about this book “I don’t know a single copywriter whose work would not be improved by reading this book. And that includes me”.

    I’d also like to recommend another one. The best book on advertising. Period. “Breakthrough advertising” by Gene Schwartz.

  2. Michelle   On   June 8, 2019 at 8:09 pm

    Dr Jeffrey Lant wrote THE book …books… on this topic. Before any of these guys and before Dan Kennedy Dr Lant was telling people how.

  3. Steve Mccrea   On   June 9, 2019 at 10:36 pm

    Mr. Soto

    I’m a high school teacher. I would like to reprint your “best sales books” blog post in my “reading for parents” book. Please have a look and see if you would like to allow me to reprint part or all of your blog post. (it’s a draft)

    If you would like to have your blog included in my collection, let me know what permission words I should include.
    Step 5: Learn more at Joe Soto’s blog
    See a video by Joe Soto (to see why his writing is vibrant–it’s part of his style):
    Get a free ebook:
    Read the full blog post here:

    After reading each article in my book, I ask parents to “explore” with step 5 (visit a website, click on a video, etc.). If you have materials that you would like to see highlighted, let me know. I selected the blog post and your website.

    Here is the article that I want to include in my book for parents to read:

    Joe Soto shows how to recommend a book. (1) He gives an introduction of the book, telling us WHY he believes more people should read the book and (2) he gives us some details.

    Learning how to write persuasive copy is one of the best skills you can develop. Copywriting is sales in the written word and it’s one skill set I encourage everyone to develop.
    Here are what I consider to be the top 5 best copywriting books (and I’ve included a couple of bonus books that almost made the list too):
    How to Write Copy That Sells by Ray Edwards. This is my favorite book for beginners and it’s a book I buy everyone on my team to have on their desk for quick, easy reference. It’s short and packed full of quick, punchy copywriting how-to instruction in an easy-to-digest format.
    How to Write a Good Advertisement: A Short Course in Copywriting. Recommended to me by Dan Kennedy, a master copywriter as well, I decided to listen and buy the book. I’m glad I did. It’s a classic full of really straightforward instruction that still holds up today. “Considered a marketing master during his 44-year career, he was the copywriter who propelled Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People into a mega-seller”
    The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America’s Top Copywriters. Skip college or courses on copywriting and get this instead. It covers it all and is a buffet of everything you need to learn about writing ads and marketing copy. It’s a big book and will walk you through the entire copywriting process.
    The Robert Collier Letter Book. Get the paperback book because you’ll be taking a lot of notes in this one. It will spur ideas and take your copywriting to a new level. Warning – it’s for the serious student who wants to learn how to write sales letters and is willing to spend the time analyzing, modeling and applying the knowledge accordingly.
    The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert. The description on Amazon says it all: “A series of letters by history’s greatest copywriter Gary C. Halbert, explaining insider tactics and sage wisdom to his youngest son Bond. Once only available as part of a paid monthly premium, The Boron Letters are unique in the marketing universe and now they are a bona fide cult classic among direct response marketers and copywriters around the world.”
    Step 5: Learn more at Joe Soto’s blog
    See a video by Joe Soto (to see why his writing is vibrant–it’s part of his style):
    Get a free ebook:
    Read the full blog post here:

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